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12:00pm Welcome & Sign in

12:15pm Host's Opening Remarks

12:20pm Discussion | Getting Data in Shape for AI: Benefiting from Intelligent Insights through High Quality Data

Key talking points:

1. The key role of data in AI Delivery

AI systems rely heavily on data to learn, make predictions, and drive intelligent decision-making. As we all know, the quality and accuracy of the data directly impacts the performance and reliability of AI models. To kick off the roundtable, will examine the intricate relationship between data and AI, highlighting the importance of having a solid data foundation for successful AI initiatives.

2. Assessing Data Readiness for AI - Is the house in shape?

For this portion of the roundtable, we will discuss evaluating the current state of your data. The conversion will focus on your data's readiness for AI applications. Participants will discuss identifying potential data quality issues, such as inconsistencies, data consolidation, missing values, and biases, that could hinder the effectiveness of AI models.

3. What are your key challenges when preparing data for AI usage?

What are your core challenges now when managing data for AI? How is your data consolidation, quality and cleansing journey going and what road bumps are you facing? How are you overcoming these challenges? Do you feel that you’re ready to embrace the AI wave that is coming? If not, where do you feel that you should be focusing your attention on improvements – or don’t you know yet?

This is the opportunity to share what challenges you are facing under Chatham House Rule to equip your organisation with the knowledge and strategies needed to power AI-ready data.

4. Getting your data right for AI and how data integration will play an important role

The wrap up discussion will focus on any outstanding AI-ready data needs, as well as delving into how data integration will assist you in your data-ready journey to fuel AI initiatives.

12:30pm Lunch

2:30pm Closing Remarks

Paul Milinkovic, Streamsets


Paul Milinkovic, Regional Director, APAC, Streamsets Inc.

I am an experienced senior director who has developed leadership qualities to achieve the best results for my organisation by empowering my people to strive for their career and personal goals while fostering team collaboration. I encourage thinking “outside the square” for customer centric technology solutions and reward team members for their initiative and contribution. I encourage open communication and have an “open door policy” to be available to my team. My passion is driving organisational results through my people.